Hunter by Sam Crescent

Hunter (Hell’s Bastards MC #5) by Sam Crescent – Download this ePUB for Free & share your feedback in the comments.

Hunter is not a nice man.
He is used to enjoying the fruits of married women—they are easy to leave and don’t expect any kind of relationship from him. Harlow is one of his club brother’s little sisters. She’s young, and he should stay well away from her.
Only, he doesn’t.
Harlow doesn’t know why she is drawn to Hunter. She doesn’t even like him at times, but he’s her secret crush, and not only that … she has fallen in love with him. She knows it’s a recipe for disaster, but she cannot control her feelings.
Hunter knows it’s getting serious, so there is only one thing he can do, break it off with her, and that is exactly what he does.
Devasted, alone, and in danger, Harlow knows she can never tell anyone what happened between her and Hunter. She has to deal with a broken heart. The only problem is, someone else does know, and when they make the club aware, it destroys everything. Harlow has no choice but to turn her back on the club, on her friends, and try to start a new life. Who can she trust?

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