Gordon’s Lost Mittens by Della Cain

Gordon’s Lost Mittens (Found by Daddy #7) by Della Cain, Kaytea Kat – Download this ePUB for Free & share your feedback in the comments.

I’m a good boy. I follow all the rules…until one day I don’t.
As a little, I learned early on that there was an unspoken rule that daddies like to pick their boy, not the other way around. I’ve been following that rule ever since. Does it work for me? Sort of. I never have to play alone. But also… I never have a daddy of my own, either.
When I see Walker at the Little Day of Fun, I’m instantly drawn to him. I pull out every trick I’ve learned over the years to catch his attention. They all fail. It’s like I’m invisible. Screw it. I’m breaking the rules. I’d never forgive myself if I didn’t.

Download Gordon’s Lost Mittens by Della Cain

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