Boomer’s Embroilment by Ciara St James

Boomer’s Embroilment (Tenillo Guardians AIMC #16) by Ciara St James – Download this ePUB for Free & share your feedback in the comments.

Boomer is one of the last few single members in his club. At first, he thinks he wants a woman of his own, only to change his mind. He refuses to be brainwashed into thinking he needs to be like so many of his club brothers. He vows to stay single and have fun. His resolve starts to crumble almost immediately when he meets Bella, the best friend of his brother Torpedo’s old lady, Londyn. Even as she tests his resolve, he fights not to give in.Boomer isn’t alone in admiring Bella, and the other men who do aren’t shy about going after what they want. Boomer finds himself unable to allow them to have her. As Operation Bella’s Beaus gets underway with help from the Infidels’ old ladies, Boomer must decide. Does he allow someone else to have Bella, or does he step up and stake his claim? If he plans to do the latter, he’ll have to earn her forgiveness for his foolish words on more than one occasion.Bella never expects to be in a biker compound and become friends with them, but that’s exactly what’s happening. As she becomes friends, she can’t stop reacting to one of the members, the sexy, attractive Boomer. The one guy who doesn’t want anything permanent, while Bella won’t settle for anything less.He infuriates her as much as he tempts her. When Boomer begins to pursue her, she sees the life she always wanted within her grasp. The only problem is that Bella has a secret, and when she tells Boomer, it embroils him and his club in her dangerous past. Come take a ride with Boomer and the Ares Infidels as they discover not only another monster to eliminate but new allies while freeing Bella to be Boomer’s forever.

Boomer’s Embroilment – Ciara St James ePUB

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