Touch Me by Kendall Talbot

Touch Me (Stilettos and Secrets #1) by Kendall Talbot – Download this ePUB for Free & share your feedback in the comments.

My crazy friend dared me to do something outrageous. . . have a steamy encounter at least once a week for one year.It sounded easy enough and started off well. . .A smoking hot date with a sexy cowboy.A tangled romp with a gorgeous drummer who had all the right moves.A steamy shower with a hunky handyman.A stunning groomsman, and a naughty artist. . .
But things spiral out of control when some of the men come back for more.Now I have one teeny, little, MAMMOTH problem.
They don’t know the real me. They don’t even know my real name.Or that I’m really an introverted country girl trying to find my way in the big city.They only know the woman I pretend to be and the sexy disguises I wear.
Now my naughty double life is in a steamy hot mess!

Touch Me – Kendall Talbot ePUB

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