Omission: Part 2 of Duet by Elena M. Reyes

Omission: Part 2 of Duet (Fate’s Bite #6) by Elena M. Reyes – Download this ePUB for Free & share your feedback in the comments.

“Hello, little mate.”
Three sweet words, and they eviscerated the very foundation I once stood upon.Because I’d resigned myself to a life of sadness and pain without a mate. Without love. Each day, I’d been slowly dying inside under my father’s oppressive hold—the constant pain his lies caused—while he arranged my marriage to a man I both loathe and fear.My people turned a blind eye to this. They just didn’t care.And yet, one look into the Wiccan King’s possessive eyes, and my world came alive with color.In this male, I found love. Acceptance. A home.Three things I will fight to keep. Will bleed for.
Their biggest mistake was touching what is mine.This pure and innocent soul given to me by the Gods that I treasure above all else. Above duty. Above vendettas yet to be fulfilled because nothing matters more than her happiness, and if I must eradicate an entire kingdom to protect her, so mote it be.I wear her mark on my cock with pride. My female is the only one I’d bend a knee for.
I’M A KING.A PROTECTOR.I’m irrevocably tied to her until my last dying breath, and even then, I’ll still be hers.

Omission: Part 2 of Duet – Elena M. Reyes ePUB

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