Betrothed to the Wrong Scot by Fiona Faris

Betrothed to the Wrong Scot (Bound by a Highland Curse: The Morgan’s Clan Stories #6) by Fiona Faris – Download this ePUB for Free & share your feedback in the comments.

“How am I tae look yer son in the eye, kenning what we have done?”

Eden MacDonald has decided to play life by the book. So, after her first betrothal falls apart, she wastes no time getting engaged again, despite her reluctance to marry. Clan duties and all that. Yet, there’s something nobody knows— Eden has a dirty little secret. She gave away her first kiss to a complete stranger. And we all know the thing about secrets… they always come to light.
Eden risks bursting into flames when her mystery man turns out to be none other than her new betrothed’s father…
Madigan Sinclair has made many mistakes in the past. Yet, he never though that kissing his son’s future bride would be one of them. To then fall for her on top of it, because yes, he’s in that deep. Yet, there’s no turning back, for ruining the betrothal means jeopardizing his clan’s last chance of survival.
And with her gift to detect lies, Eden might be the only woman that can help save his people…

Choosing between Eden and his clan Madigan could have handled. But picking between her and his own son? Now, that’s a choice he can never make.

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