When Love Blooms in Paris by Helen Row Toews

When Love Blooms in Paris (Chateau de Belliveau #4) by Helen Row Toews – Download this ePUB for Free & share your feedback in the comments.

When Gabrielle Gagnon discovers her ex-boyfriend’s deceitful life and his true identity, she realizes she must move on from the betrayal if she is to ever make a home for herself in Paris.
That quest for peace leads her to Andrew Tremblay, a handsome cowboy from Canada who has inherited a wine shop in the Marais. Despite their differences, they form a bond that begins to blossom into love until an ominous letter arrives. A threat has been made against Gabrielle’s life.Desperate to protect Andrew from danger, Gabrielle attempts to distance herself only for him to prove his love and devotion to her as danger looms.With no help from law enforcement, she must decide whether or not to have faith in the man from the Wild West in order to survive.
Will their love conquer all, or will darkness win? Join Gabrielle on this thrilling journey of romance as her life hangs in the balanceWill love conquer all, or will darkness reign supreme? Join Gabrielle in this thrilling, romantic tale.

When Love Blooms in Paris – Helen Row Toews ePUB

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