Imogen by Lisa Helen Gray

Imogen (Next Generation Carter Brother #8) by Lisa Helen Gray – Download this ePUB for Free & share your feedback in the comments.

I fell in love when I was a teenager. It was love at first sight. The kind where you get butterflies in your stomach, and you become flustered.
Ben Donovan was way out of my league. Not only was he older than me, but he worked for my father. It didn’t stop me from wanting him though. So one night, I threw caution to the wind and kissed him.
But he didn’t kiss me back.
Rejected, hurt, and heartbroken when he friend-zoned me, I ran away. Into the arms of my best friend.
He and I made a wager that night, something I agreed to out of heartache.
I didn’t realise that years later, our wager would come with consequences, ones I didn’t know how to handle.
When the unthinkable happens, Ben Donovan worms his way back into my life. But neither of us are the same person we once were.
I tried to move on, to forget that horrible night.
Yet life always has a way of surprising you.

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