His Sweet Obsession by Lynn Sherry

His Sweet Obsession (Naughty Beans Cafe #6) by Lynn Sherry – Download this ePUB for Free & share your feedback in the comments.

The characters from Naughty Beans are back!!! They make their appearance in His Sweet Obsession, the last book in the series featuring Kennedy and Walker.

Kennedy Davenport, the shy, sweet baker has become my obsession… she just doesn’t know it yet. The first time I saw her behind the counter at Naughty Beans Cafe, her beauty nearly brought me to my knees and I knew she was going to be mine. Since she’s so shy, every time I try to talk to her, she runs. In order to get my daily fix, I watch her from across the street. I’m done being a grade-A stalker. By the end of today, Kennedy is going to know exactly just how deep my sweet obsession goes

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