His Lucky Babygirl by Lenore Danvers

His Lucky Babygirl (Club Surrender #3) by Lenore Danvers – Download this ePUB for Free & share your feedback in the comments.

Wanted: Hot Single Dad(dy)

Left devastated and completely broke by her lying, cheating ex, Melody does what any level-leaded twenty-something would do: Offers herself up for instructional demos at her local kink club.Everything finally seems to be working out, until a scene-gone-horribly-wrong nearly sends her to the hospital. And turns the hot single dad she occasionally babysits for into a hot, overprotective Daddy.The kind of Daddy who knows his way around a woman’s body as well as he knows his way around his workshop. Melody is sure that giving into the burning attraction between them is a recipe for disaster…But it could be the stroke of luck they’ve both been waiting for.

His Lucky Babygirl – Lenore Danvers ePUB

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