Fangs and Fudge by Melissa Nicole

Fangs and Fudge (Shadow Trade: The Ruin of Relics #2) by Melissa Nicole – Download this ePUB for Free & share your feedback in the comments.

Not all fur is friendly.
When one of the toughest shifters in D.C. disappears, Everly knows the vampire infestation is serious. To find her best friend’s love interest and prevent her from going rogue and making things worse, Everly enlists Cross’s help. After all, who better to rescue a wolf from vampires than the deliciously handsome vampire who loves kissing her forehead and waking her in bed?Cross is more than willing to intercede on Everly’s behalf, especially if doing so annoys Shepard. However, both must put their competitive feelings aside when they realize the vampires aren’t just looking for their next meal. They’re starting a war, and only by working together will the group be able to stop what’s coming.
With centuries of deep-seated hatred, cooperating won’t come easy.
Join the D.C. crew as Vena once again does what she’s not supposed to in her quest to find Anchor, and Everly has to be rescued by not one, but two epic heroes.

Fangs and Fudge – Melissa Nicole ePUB

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