Alien Minotaur’s Stowaway Mate by Nell Carroll

Alien Minotaur’s Stowaway Mate (Minotaurs Need Mates #2) by Nell Carroll – Download this ePUB for Free & share your feedback in the comments.

He’s my Knight-in-Shining-Horns
I was hiding from my ex in the spaceport when I passed out in a pile of shipping crates. Next thing I know, I’m locking eyes with a unit of a male with horns, hooves, and a tail. Space Minotaur wasn’t on my bingo card this year.
Sorry, Tauri. Forgive the confusion. Apparently, I’m on their ship scooting away from Earth as fast as the engines can take us. They don’t want me on board, messing up their plans. Big same. But it’s here or Earth… and Earth isn’t safe for me.Barax, their security officer, offers me a way to stay. I pretend to be his mate. That keeps me safe from Earth and keeps him compliant with his government. I get four months of safety.
Barax gives me my own cabin, helps me navigate their technology, and is the perfect gentleman. He’s the best mate in-name-only I could ask for, but I want more. I want to feel his strong arms around me. I want to see if he looks as good out of those tight exercise pants as he does in them. Suddenly, I have a thing for guys with horns and tails.
After all… Minotaurs need mates.

Alien Minotaur’s Stowaway Mate – Nell Carroll ePUB

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