The Devil’s Kin by Smauggy

The Devil’s Kin by Smauggy Download this book in ePUB or in PDF for Free & share your feedback in the comments.

The Devil’s Kin (God Complex #2) by Smauggy

Dorian Lowe, the depressed and self-deprecating half-demon/half-mortal, struggles to navigate being the Prince of the Underworld while maintaining his relationship with his himbo demon-slayer lover, Ryder Namok. To make things even more complicated, enter Layla Brown, the smart-mouthed, brilliant environmentalist who works his last nerves, and Kai, a shapeshifting demon lover from his past who returns to stir up even more trouble.

Harboring violent resentment towards his abusive absentee father, Dorian is tasked with finding a powerful supernatural weapon known as ‘The Maddox,’ which has the entire underworld in utter chaos. Racing against time to find the Maddox before the elite clan of skilled demon slayers, Dorian finds himself taking on far more than he bargained for.

The Devil’s Kin – Smauggy

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