Some Kinda Romance by Weston Parker

Some Kinda Romance by Weston Parker – Download this ePUB for Free & share your feedback in the comments.

I might be in the business of weddings, but I have no intention of walking down the aisle.I’ll just make my millions sending suckers to the altar.It’s an easy gig and I’m far too good at it.Until it’s a little too close to home.My mother is getting married, and she wants me to work with a wedding planner.Talk about a gut punch.My father is in the ground, and she wants me to pick her flower arrangements and organize the seating chart.The worst part?My usual go-to for a wedding like this is no longer in the business.He left his empire to his ex-wife.And she’s… what’s the right word?The worst.Clumsy.Disorganized.Sloppy.I can’t work with an average Jane like her.But I can sleep with her.In that department, she gets a gold star.Or five.Nothing average about her.Maybe there’s more to it than our chemistry.One thing’s for certain.Me and her?We make some kinda romance.

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