Snatched Up By the Cartel by Michael Levi

Snatched Up By the Cartel by Michael Levi Download this book in ePUB or in PDF for Free & share your feedback in the comments.

Snatched Up By the Cartel (Nightshade Wolves #1) by Michael Levi

Rylan can’t believe he’s going to prison.
After everything he’s done, his brother betrayed him. The prison is a terrifying place, and he knows he will be targeted. With his baby face and skinny frame, he stands out like a sore thumb. To make matters worse, he’s been paired with another inmate, Mateo. Their initial interaction is anything but friendly. Yet, there’s an undeniable allure to the tattooed, muscular Latin gangster. Despite his fears, Rylan can’t stop the spicy dreams he has about the older shifter.

Mateo couldn’t care less about Rylan.
To him, Rylan is weak and bound to get bullied. Mateo feels no responsibility for his new cellmate. However, when other prisoners start ganging up on Rylan, Mateo feels compelled to intervene. He can’t let the guards think he’s the one roughing up his cellmate. That’s when the dreams start—intimate, vivid dreams about the younger shifter. Mateo knows what this means: he may have just found his forever mate. The problem is, they’re both incarcerated. How can they think about forming a family when they don’t even have privacy?

Snatched Up By the Cartel – Michael Levi

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