Oops, I’m Having My Boss’s Twins! by Holly Rayner

Oops, I’m Having My Boss’s Twins! by Holly Rayner Download this book in ePUB or in PDF for Free & share your feedback in the comments.

Oops, I’m Having My Boss’s Twins! (Oops!) by Holly Rayner

She was given a special mission: to help her boss decompress…
They said by whatever means necessary, but no one expected twins nine months later!

Ashley Raven has a full plate. A loyal assistant to her billionaire boss, she’s caught in a quandary when she’s handed a special assignment that will entail betraying his trust.
Never one to turn down a challenge, she agrees to oversee Caleb’s extremely non-optional leave and take him on a forced vacation in the middle of nowhere.
There’s only one place she can think to take him – her Colorado home town, where board meetings and business calls feel a million miles away.
While Caleb battles cabin fever, Ashley figures that they might as well try and make the best of it, and in doing so shows him that there may be more important things than work, and success, and money. And that the most incredible person might just have been right by his side the whole time…
They tell themselves they won’t cross any professional boundaries. The only problem? They’re both lying to each other, and soon enough the truth will come out…
By that point, their fates will have been changed forever…

Oops, I’m Having My Boss’s Twins! – Holly Rayner

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