Love at First Château by Caroline Masci

Love at First Château by Caroline Masci Download this book in ePUB or in PDF for Free & share your feedback in the comments.

Love at First Château by Caroline Masci

It’s official, at twenty-nine my life has finally hit that looming dead end.
With my art career failing and my bank account with more withdrawals than deposits, eviction from my New York apartment seems like more of a promise, than a possibility.
My only option at this point is to move in with my mother – which would be a catastrophe.
It could very well result in an accidental homicide…hers or mine.
Orange is definitely not my color.
And jail time is totally not on my bingo card this year.

I guess neither is inheriting my great-uncle’s run-down, abandonded château in Southern France. Taking it as a sign – and being just desperate enough to do the unthinkable – I uproot my life and move to Carcen to fix up a château.

Only problem? I dont speak a lick of French and have absolutely no clue where Carcen is.
And sometimes the universe has a crappy sense of humor, because there’s a catch. Jean-Luc Badeaux, is contesting the will for his own share in Château des Éveilliés.

Making matters worse? we have to live in the chateau for six months – together– while we restore the property to its former glory or risk forfeiting it completely.
Seems easy right?
From the moment we meet, Luc is hellbent on sending me packing back to America. But i’m determined to fight for the best thing thats happened to me in a long time. I’m not going anywhere, and i’ll do whatever it takes to show Luc, i’m exactly where i belong.

Content warning 18+ only

Love at First Château – Caroline Masci

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