Illusion of Innocence by Jen Yates

Illusion of Innocence by Jen Yates Download this book in ePUB or in PDF for Free & share your feedback in the comments.

Illusion of Innocence (Regency Rebelles #5) by Jen Yates

Two things happened for Lady Verity Davencourt the day Mr. Sinclair Wolfenden arrived for his nephew’s christening party.
She ‘saw’—as she so often ‘saw’ things—that this man would be her husband. And she ‘knew’ it was time to start behaving as the twenty year old woman she was.
Only one thing happened for cynical ‘Sinner’ Wolfenden that day.
He became someone he’d never known in all his thirty-five years, someone who would lead him down paths he would never have imagined.
When ‘cynical’ meets ‘innocent’ the Fates sit up and take notice.
But they don’t necessarily play fair.

Illusion of Innocence – Jen Yates

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