A Father’s Bliss by Lee Jacquot

A Father’s Bliss by Lee Jacquot Download this book in ePUB or in PDF for Free & share your feedback in the comments.

A Father’s Bliss (Holinight) by Lee Jacquot

Marcus Debois is completely off limits.

Not only is he an agent at the publishing house I work at, but he also happens to be my father’s sworn enemy, and my ex’s dad.
It doesn’t matter that I knew Marcus before my ex, and even had a pretty big, very secret, crush on the man who is also fifteen years my senior, he is forbidden. A hard limit. A do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars.
And for four years, I respected that moral boundary and did really well not crossing it.
But like any good romance plot, there has to be a point where the tension breaks. Where the two main characters are put into a situation where they can no longer ignore their feelings and say screw it right before finally giving in.
Looks like for me, it’s when I hear he’s spending Father’s Day alone, and I can’t help but insert myself into his no-plans plan. But I’m not going to overthink it. It will be a quick dinner–a professional one, even, where we can talk about work and manuscripts and all things publishing. There will be no rendezvous boat rides, no sexy lessons on patience and catching fish, and most certainly no playing with explicit toys in the middle of the lake.

Because if there is one thing I know for sure, it’s that while I still harbor a crush on Marcus Debois, there’s not a chance in hell, he feels the same.

A Father’s Bliss – Lee Jacquot

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