Embracing My Chuchunya by Marilyn Barr

Embracing My Chuchunya by Marilyn Barr Download this book in ePUB or in PDF for Free & share your feedback in the comments.

Embracing My Chuchunya (Snuggling under Snowdrifts #4) by Marilyn Barr

When I asked to be surrounded by ‘creature comforts,’ I should have been more specific. Accountants like me aren’t built to ‘rough it’ in the university’s satellite anthropology lab on the tundra, nor are we equipped to fight off mobsters who rob us. What is there to steal in an anthropology lab, housed in a rusted shipping container anyway? The hero who rescued me claims to be my true love, but he’s a little too ‘creature’ and his idea of ‘comfort’ is a cavern under the permafrost…

As soon as I smelled Kaitlyn’s raven-black hair, I knew she was mine. Adam warned me she was too prickly to be a Chuchunya mate, but I don’t care. I show all the symptoms of a snow monster soul mate bond, our dushevnayasvyaz, except my female’s acceptance of me. Why didn’t she fall in love the moment I saved her? How can I win her heart before the others discover what I’ve done?
Serik’s time to seduce Kaitlyn runs thin as the boreal forest’s snow melts into spring. Will Timor learn that Serik kidnapped a human—and force Kaitlyn to select her male at a mating chase? She won’t choose Serik—not when she despises him for taking her. Will the other human mates find Kaitlyn first and help her escape? Serik’s impulsive decisions may have blown his one chance at love…

Embracing My Chuchunya – Marilyn Barr

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