Beggars, Sin, and Wine by JB Trepagnier

Beggars, Sin, and Wine by JB Trepagnier Download this book in ePUB or in PDF for Free & share your feedback in the comments.

Beggars, Sin, and Wine (New Eden Asylum #1) by JB Trepagnier

The angels came two hundred years ago with a mission to wipe out everything the pagan gods created.

The humans came together to form the Coalition to hunt us for them. We disappear and end up in various places to be experimented on. I ended up in New Eden Asylum. The nuns and priests keep me in a padded room in the basement with all the deadlier supernaturals. They don’t experiment on me and try to cure me like the others because I’m too dangerous to be in the same room with. I don’t know how long I’ve been here, but I haven’t seen or spoken to anyone in a very long time.
But there are three new people here. I can’t see them, but I can hear them in my head. Mate. They say they will find me and get me out of here. They comfort me when the nuns never turn the lights off and forget to bring my one meal a day. I’ve never seen their faces, but I feel a connection to them. I want to get out of here. But I can never meet them.
They would die instantly if they looked me in the eye
I am Medusa

Beggars, Sin, and Wine – JB Trepagnier

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