Heartless Villain by Meg Anne, K. Loraine

Heartless Villain: The Mate Games (Death #4) by Meg Anne, K. Loraine – Download this ePUB for Free & share your feedback in the comments.

Captain Hook isn’t loyal to anyone, but I’d die for her.
Once I was a prince, then I became a lost boy, then their king. Now, I’m nothing more than a heartless villain.Or at least so I thought. Until I met her. Until I had a reason for that husk in my chest to resume its beating.I know I’m not alone. She’s worked her magic on all of us.Her monstrous beastHer vengeful dragonHer merciless godAnd of course me, her mad pirate
I’ve been trapped far from home, without my crew, without my ship. A captain with no purpose. But Dahlia is my port in the storm. She calls me to her and grounds me. Unfortunately, it’s not enough. With every passing tick, tick, tick, my madness grows.How can I protect her when I can barely remember who I am?
Something dark is coming for us all. It’s been hiding in the shadows, but now it’s time to play in the light. And even without a compass to guide me, I’ll fight for her until the bitter end.

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